日本財団 図書館

TS-96 Structure-Borne Noise Reduction Measures in Cabins

K. Harano (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), M. Imasato and O. Miyata

TS-97 Study on Noise Reduction of Large Diesel Main Engine

K. Ishihara (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan), M. Aoki, Y. Hirakata and E. Shirai

TS-98 Flow Induced Acoustic Resonances in Exhaust Gas Economizer Tube Banks

S. Okamoto (Shimane University, Japan)


Room5 9:10-10:10

Session: Ship Planning, Design & Production (1)

Chairpersons: N. Telle (Norwegian Shipowners' Association) and S. Ryo (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)

TS-99 A Study on Usage of Steel Plate Having Thickness More than 40mm without Post Weld Heat Treatment for Pressurized LPG Cargo Tanks

K. Nishifuji (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan) and H. Shiihara

TS-100 Modular Simulation of Marine Propulsion Systems Using an Engineering Building Block Approach

V. P. Lambropoulos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) and N. P. Kyrtatos

TS-101 Seakeeping Analysis in the Design of Passenger Ships

M. U. Dogliani (Registro Italiano Navale, Italy)


Room5 10:20-11:40

Session: Ship Planning, Design & Production (2)

Chairpersons: M. Dogliani (Registro Italiano Navale) and M. Numano (Ship Research Institute)

TS-102 The Modulus Method for Design and Production of Marine Engine Plants (The Determine of the Importance Degree of Modular in Shipbuilding)

K. Ishida (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), Yu, H., T. Hashimoto, N. Yonekura and I. Sato

TS-103 Optimization of Thin Stiffened Plate Panels in Shipbuilding

T. T. Chau (Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale, France) and F. Besnier

TS-104 Experiment of EDI Propeller Design Data Using XML

N. Baba (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan) and S. Ito

TS-105 Application of TRIBON CAD/CAM System Aiming at the Ship Production Automation

L. Piskorski (Technical University of Szczecin, Poland)


Room5 13:00-14:00

Session: Transportation and Ship Management

Chairpersons: T. T. Chau (Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale) and K. Ishida (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine)

TS-106 Information and Communication Technology in Ship Management and Operation

N. Telle (Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Norway)

TS-107 Development of Transportation Management System for Mobiles by Use of Satellite Communication and GIS Techniques

T. Ono (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan) and S. Nagaya

TS-108 Development of Ship Administration System for Fleet Control

Y. Shimura (IHI Marine, Co., LTD., Japan)





