日本財団 図書館

TS-77 Comparison of Exhaust Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines by Using of Blended Fuels

M. Hashimoto (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), T. Dan, S. Akiba and K. Ka


Room3 16:40-17:40

Session: Fuel and Combustion (3)


TS-78 Low Emission Diesel Combustion System by Use of Reformulated Fuel with Liquefied CO2 and n-Tridecane

J. Senda (Doshisha University, Japan), S. Oshita, M. Yamamoto and H. Fujimoto

TS-79 Ignition Delay of Light Oil Spray into Gaseous Fuel and Air Mixture in a Dual Fuel Engine

E. Tomita (Okayama University, Japan), Y. Hamamoto, A. Siagian, Z. Piao and S. Fujita

TS-80 Phase-Separation Inside a Burning Droplet of Oil-in-Water Emulsion

D. Segawa (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan), H. Tanaka H. Enomoto, T. Kadota and H. Yamasaki


Room4 9:10-10:10

Session: Environment (3)

Chairpersons: P. Spreutels (Texaco Technology Ghent) and M. Osakabe (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)

TS-81 Training Method Using Local Area Network (LAN) for Maritime Environmental Protection

K. Ishida (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), E. Nishikawa, M. Furusho and Y. Yano

TS-82 Detection Spilled Oil Using a Compact Imaging Lidar System

K. Hitomi (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), S. Yamagishi, H. Yamanouchi, Y. Yamaguchi and T. Shibata

TS-83 Consideration on the Experimental Studies of Semiconductor Sensors for Combustible

Gas Carrier and Their Accelerated Testing

N. Tsutsumi (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan), Z. Su, Q. Gao, S. Yamamoto and T. Hashimoto


Room4 10:20-11:20

Session: Environmental Equipment

Chairpersons: S. Yamagishi (Ship Research Institute) and K. Ueda (Ship Research Institute)

TS-84 Development of PDM Controlled Soft-Switching High-Frequency Inverter for Ozone Generation for Water Treatment

O. Koudriavtsev (Yamaguchi University, Japan), S. Wang and M. Nakaoka

TS-85 Onboard Ammonia Production Unit for De-NOx

Y. Sakai (NKK Design and Engineering Corporation, Japan)

TS-86 PM Reduction System Using High Frequency Induction Heating

S. Kubota (Toba National College of Maritime, Japan), K. Nagashima, H. Kifune, Y. Hatanaka, Y. Kawamura and Y. Uchihori





