日本財団 図書館

TS-66 Relation between Recent Low Grade Fuel and Reliability of Marine Diesel Engines

Y. Wakatsuki (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), K. Watanabe,

T. Yamamoto and T. Takaishi

TS-67 Actual Capability of Shipboard Fuel Oil Pre-Treatment Systems

S. Akeno (Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan), K. Goto, F. Hirata, Y. Ichihara, H. Miyano, Y. Shima and H. Watanuma

TS-68 Murphy's Law at Sea: Fuel Problem or Problem Fuels?

G. C. Fleischhack (OSC, Germany)


Room3 13:00-14:00

Session: Engine Control and Simulator (1)

Chairpersons: N. Kyrtatos (National Technical University of Athens) and K. Sasaki (Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.)

TS-69 Main Engine Revolution Control for Ship with Direct Drive Volume Control System

M. Ito (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), N. Hirose, E. Shimizu, H. Sato and T. Nakatani

TS-70 Development of the Marine Diesel Plant Simulator with PC Network

F. Soda (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), M. Tanaka and K. Matsushima

TS-71 A Bond Graph Model Library for Modelling Diesel Engine Transient Performance

E. Pedersen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and H. Engja


Room3 14:10-15:10

Session: Engine Control and Simulator (2)

Chairpersons: E. Pedersen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and M. Ito (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)

TS-72 Main Engine Control for Heavy Weather Conditions: The ACME Project

N. P. Kyrtatos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece), G. Theotokatos and N. I. Xiros

TS-73 Reflections on Marine Engineering Education for the Next Millennium

H. Engja (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

TS-74 A New Simulator of Marine Engine System and Importance of Operation Results Database of Actual Ships

B. Wan (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), E. Nishikawa and Y. Itami


Room3 15:30-16:30

Session: Fuel and Combustion (2)

Chairpersons: S. Eriksson (Alfa Laval Marine & Power AB) and T. Chikahisa (Hokkaido University)

TS-75 Combustion Characteristics of Bunker Fuel from the Viewpoint of Distribution of Distillation Temperature

K. Takasaki (Kyushu University, Japan), T. Takaishi, K. Maeda, M. Matsubara, H. Tajima, M. Nakashima and H. Ishida

TS-76 Stratified Injection System for Heavy Fuel

S. Osafune (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), K. Iwamoto, T. Takaishi, H. Ishida, K. Takasaki, M. Nakashima





