日本財団 図書館

Room6 16:40-18:00

Session: Safety, Reliability & Maintainability (1)

Chairpersons: B.-O. Petersen (DNV) and I. Takasu (Diesel United, Ltd. )

TS-32 Research for Abnormal Condition Diagnosis on Diesel Engine

T. Shimizu (Akasaka Diesels LTD, Japan)

TS-33 Estimation of Maintainability Characteristics on Diesel Engine Plant

H. Kido (Marine Technical College, Japan) and T. Hashimoto

TS-34 An Application of LabVIEW in Engine Condition Monitoring

J.-H. Horng (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan) and Y. -T. Wang

TS-35 Support System of Marine Engine Operation Based on Skilled Chief Engineer's


K. Matsushita (Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), K. Nagao, M. Numano, T. Hashimoto


Room7 15:00-16:20

Session: New Energy Systems (1)

Chairpersons: P. Zhou (University of Newcastle upon Tyne) and K. Harumi (Ship Research Institute)

TS-36 Development of Low-Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

F. Toda (Saitama University, Japan), S. Iwamoto and M. Takeuchi

TS-37 Proposal of Steam Super Stirling Engine Fit to Marine Use

N. Isshiki (Professor emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Tecknology, Jepan), H. Kojima S. Isshiki

TS-38 Development of a Small 50W Class Stirling Engine

K. Hirata (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan)

TS-39 Characteristics of Bottoming Cycle Using Ammonia/Water Mixture

M. Kojima (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), M. Goto and T. Kashiwagi


Room7 16:40-17:40

Session: New Energy Systems (2)

Chairpersons: H. Born (ABB Turbo Systems, Ltd. ) and M. Osakabe (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)

TS-40 Dynamic Analysis of Gas Turbine Systems for Marine Propulsion by Computer Simulation

M. Jefferson (University of Newcastle upon Tyne. UK), P. L. Zhou

TS-41 Combustion of Hydrogen in Hydrogen Combustion Gas Stream and Its Characteristics of Emissions

K. Harumi (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), K. Hiraoka, M. Ikame and H. Shirota

TS-42 Basic Research on the Application of Wind Energy Generation System to Ships

K. Sumi (Marine Technical College, Japan), T. Hashimoto, S. Yamamoto and T. Hikima





