日本財団 図書館

2. A form of oath shall be read: "I hereby swear that I will speak the truth according to my conscience, concealing nothing and adding nothing" .

(Warning of Punishment for Perjury)

Article 43-4. Before being examined, a witness who is caused to take an oath, shall be warned of punishment for perjury.

(Order of Examination of Witnesses)

Article 43-5. Each witness shall be examined separately.

2. When a witness, who is to be examined later, presents himself at the court, he shall be ordered to withdraw from.

(Witness not Required to Take Oath)

Article 43-6. A witness, who is or was the spouse of the Examinee, or a relative within the 4th degree of kinship as well as a person in connection with, may be examined without being caused to take an oath.

2. A witness who, cannot understand the purport of the oath, shall be examined without being caused to take an oath.

(Examination by a Designated Judge)

Article 44. A Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency may order one of the Judges to examine the essential matters.

2. The Designated Judge mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall report to the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency in the court on the result of the said examination.

3. In regard to the examination conducted by the Designated Judge, the provisons concerned with the proceedings of inquiry in the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall be applied mutatis mutandis thereto.

(Renewal of Proceedings of Inquiry)

Article 45. In case that the court was not opened for a long period of time after the commencement of inquiry, the proceedings of inquiry may be renewed when the necessity of which is recognized.




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