日本財団 図書館

2. When the justice of the reasons in paragraph 1 is recognized, the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall postpone the date for inquiry after asking the opinion of the Commissioner.

(Representative for Designated Person Concerned in a Marine Accident)

Article 40. A Designated Person Concerned in a Marine Accident may cause a representive of his to appear in court. However, the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency may order him to present himself at the court when the necessity of it is recognized.

2. The representative provided for in paragraph 1 shall evidence his qualification by a letter of attorney.

(Examination to Establish Identities)

Article 41. The Presiding Judge, after he proclaimed the opening of the court, shall examine the matters calculated to make sure whether the identities of the person is right or not to an Examinee as well as Designated Persons Concerned.

(Statement of Reason for Offer for Commencement of Inquiry)

Article 42. A Commissioner shall state the outline of the case and reason of the offer for the commencement of inquiry when the examination mentioned in Article 41 is finished.

(Examination of Persons and Evidences)

Article 43. A Presiding Judge shall examine the persons concerned in the inquiry and the evidences of the case.

2. An associate Judge, a Commissioner or a Counsellor may examine persons concerned in the inquiry after notifying to the Presiding Judge.

(Witness in Court)

Article 43-2. In the event of a witness being in the precinct of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency, he may be examined even though he is not duly summoned.

(Form of Oath)

Article 43-3. In case of the form of Oath, a witness shall be caused to read the form of Oath aloud, to sign on and to seal to.




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