日本財団 図書館

In reality, conflict deterrence and peace promotion in the Asia-Pacific region stem from the US Armed Forces, especially the presence of the US Navy. Only the navy possesses the strength and power to guarantee sea-control throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. Further, as a political state, only America enjoys the trust of most of the surrounding nations due to its obvious lack of territorial ambitions. Any attempt to assume the US role by the PRC, Russia, or Japan is unlikely to be welcomed.


The security of SLOCs is of vital importance to the prosperity and well-being of the countries in the Asia-Pacific. As the most efficient means of transporting large volume, heavy cargoes, maritime transport will continue to grow beyond the century.


However, before countries can take part in international cooperation, they must first share some common objectives, such as no maintenance of SLOC security and a common perception that such cooperation will be of some benefit to their national interests. In this regard, the LOSC poses some potential problems for international cooperation. This is because the new regime lacks the clarity necessary to remove all the uncertainties regarding the rights of coastal states over littoral waters and requires them to compromise on new, overlapping boundaries.


Many potential problems are anticipated, and realizing effective cooperation will not be easy and could take a long time. Despite these difficulties, we could find a way by placing more importance on international cooperation to facilitate freedom and safety of navigation in the Asia Pacific.


My conclusion, then, is the following: more strategic consideration on maritime cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region should be taken into account when we deal with the issue of archipelago safe passage, which has great implications for our strategic player's―the US Navy's―freedom to maneuver.


Thank you very much for your attention.







21世紀に入ろうとする現在にも海賊が出没し、日本の船が実際に被害を受けたといっても、にわかに信じがたいことかも知れない。海賊情報では世界で最も信頼できる国際海事局(IMB)の統計によると、毎年約二百件の海賊被害が報告されており、被害海域は日本から出港したり、日本へ向う船舶が多数航行する東南アジアや南シ ナ海に集中しているといえば、なおさら驚くかも知れない。海賊の手口も最近では、巨額な金に換金し易い石油やアルミ塊などを狙ってタンカーや貨物船を襲う凶悪事件が増加し、大規模な、組織による計画的な犯罪へと変化してきている。ここでは、最近の海賊事件の事例を紹介し、今後どのような対策をとるべきかを考えてみたい。もし海賊が野放しになれば、日本人船員が殺傷されたり、日本へ向う積み荷の保険料が高騰し、ひいては物価上昇につながるという意味からも、これは国民一人ひとりが関心を持つべき問題だと思うからである。






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