By creating job opportunities for local tour guides, residents can find self-fulfillment in interaction with tourists.
[Securing sustainability of resources]
Tourism based community development starts with rediscovery of nature, culture and history of your own community. Appreciation for the local resources and their values lead to greater awareness of how they should be utilized.
Measures should give added value to the resources in order to enhance the charm of the community through resource use. Such efforts may include holding events, creating new souvenirs, and offering opportunities for visitor participation and learning.
To secure sustainability of resources, a system must be in place to balance between use and conservation. For example, Stonehenge, U.K. controls access to the area to keep entry below the receiving capacity of resources.
[Securing sustainability of visitor satisfaction]
To enhance visitor satisfaction, conditions must be present to let visitors feel good about visiting and staying. In addition to tourist facilities, lodging and retail outlets, the entire community must offer a comfortable environment for visitors. The ongoing challenge is to increase the number of repeaters through improved hospitality and quality service.
Publicity and information is one of the keys to attract visitors. It is also important to conduct visitor management to prevent traffic congestion and other problems.
3) Establishment of a system that balances the living environment, resources and visitor satisfaction
Sustainability of the living environment, resources and visitor satisfaction are mutually dependent. Promotion of a single factor may negatively impact other factors, even when community development is planned with a holistic perspective.
For a successful tourism based community development, it is necessary to establish a system that balances the three factors through the following measures:
[Developing a system for information sharing and collaboration]
For various parties to work together in integrated tourist based community development, information must be shared among government, residents and the tourism industry. The system for information sharing will serve as the base for collaborative efforts.
Local governments shall incorporate the concepts of community development into their comprehensive policy plans, and promote measures in an organized manner in cooperation with related parties.
[Putting profits back into the community]
The economic profits brought about by tourism activities must be put back into the community.