◆ Cases for Surgery
Example = Ocular trauma
5 = When a wire came off, suffered a laceration in the right eye and the face. The facial laceration was sutured, but there is bleeding from the right intraocular region.
6 = Also has a laceration in the right eyelid and bleeding from the eye. Please advise how to treat.
1]Pulse 81/min 2]Breathing 20/min 3]Temperature 35.6°
4]Blood pressure 117/71 5]Consciousness〜
7 = No past history
Example = Rupture of the right biceps brachii muscle
5 = When the patient pulled the rubber pull of a rope winder for hanging on April 18, 1997, he used both hands with all of his force. He then experienced severe pain around the right shoulder with a queer sound. His right upper arm is swollen and unmovable. Twisting or pulling the right arm causes pain.
6 = Applied a cold compress and administered an oral analgesic.
7 = No past history
Example = Hand burn
5 = On April 13, 1997, the patient found water leakage from a pipe in the engine room and tried to stop the leak with his hand. He received a burn on both hands with hot water of 70°. Had skin redness, blisters, and peeling.
6 = Cooled the hand in cold and ice water at once. Please advise on subsequent treatment.
1]Pulse 70/min 2]Breathing 20/min 3]Temperature 35.9°
4]Blood pressure / 5]Consciousness〜
7 = No past history
Example = Bone fracture of the left lower leg
5 = While working on May 24, 1997, both lower legs were crushed by a steel plate weighing about a ton, with the left lower leg was deformed. The leg is unmovable, swollen, and very painful.
6 = Applying a splint and cold compress to the left lower leg. Please advise on treatment to give until arrival in port.
7 = No past history