日本財団 図書館

Example = Facial paralysis (facial nerve paralysis)

5 = Had sensory paralysis of one side of the tongue and an abnormal sense in the left side of the face around noon on April 11, 1997. Blood pressure 140/95, was unable to wink the left eye and to close eyes completely on April 13th. The left upper and lower limbs move normally.

6 = With bed rest, observing the course of the symptoms. Please advise on first-aid treatment and diagnosis.

1]Pulse 85/min 2]Breathing 20/min 3]Temperature 36°

4]Blood pressure 140/95 5]Consciousness Normal

7 = No past history


Example = Dizziness (cerebellar hemorrhage or cerebellar infarction)

5 = On April 11, 1997, the patient had sudden blurred vision and dizziness. After about 30 min, he had repeated episodes of similar symptoms. On April 13th, nausea, numbness of the left hand and leg, and contraction of the visual field also appeared with a difficulty in walking due to dizziness.

6= Gave Bufferin, Inhibace, Adalat, and Frandol. Please advise on diagnosis and subsequent treatment immediately. Is there a problem with returning home by airplane?

1]Pulse 51/min 2]Breathing 20/min 3]Temperature 38.0°

4]Blood pressure 150/80 5]Consciousness〜

7 = Past history: hypertension, angina pectoris, renal calculus


Example = Acute myocardial infarction

5 = During sleep on May 14, 1997, had a sudden feeling of constriction in the chest. Despite two tablets of sublingual nitroglycerin, chest pain and pains radiating to the left arm and left axilla are present and persist for a few hours. Has pain irrespective of lying down or getting up.

6 = Suspected myocardial infarction, prescribed bed rest and requested dispatch of a helicopter. Is there any treatment to be given?

1]Pulse 70/min 2]Breathing 25/min 3]Temperature 37.8°

4]Blood pressure cannot be measured 5]Consciousness

7 = Past history: diabetes, hypertension; heavy smoker




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