日本財団 図書館


An application for an investigation in accordance with paragraph 1 that is covered by the proviso of the previous article shall be made within 1 week from the day the unavoidable circumstances cease.



When a written application for investigation in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article is submitted by mail, the period needed for delivery shall not be included in the period of time stipulated in the previous 2 paragraphs.



The chief executive or other executive organ of an ordinary local public body shall, when about to make application for an investigation according to the stipulations of paragraphs 1 to 3 (hereinafter referred to as "application for an investigation into intervention by the state"), give advance notice to that effect to the administrative agency of the state to which the investigation is to be aimed.


(Investigation and Recommendation)


Article 250-14.

When an application has been made for investigation with regard to involvement by the state in matters of local autonomy in accordance with paragraph 1 of the previous article, the Commission shall carry out an investigation. When it is recognised that the involvement by the state carried out by the administrative agency of the state under investigation is neither illegal nor unfair with respect to the independence and autonomy of the ordinary local public body, the Commission shall give notification to that effect to the chief executive or other executive organ of the ordinary local public body which applied for the investigation and to the administrative agency of the state investigated, stating reasons, and shall also make the same public. When it is recognised that the involvement by the state carried out by the administrative agency of the state under investigation is either illegal or unfair with respect to the independence and autonomy of the ordinary local public body, the Commission shall issue the administrative agency of the state under investigation with a recommendation of the necessary measures to be taken, stating reasons and setting a time scale, and shall at the same time notify the chief executive or other executive organ of the said ordinary local public body of the contents of the said recommendation, and shall also make the same public.



When an application has been made for investigation with regard to involvement by the state in Statutory Entrusted Functions in accordance with paragraph 1 of the previous article, the Commission shall carry out an investigation.





