日本財団 図書館

Article 250-13.

The chief executive or other executive organization of an ordinary local public body that is dissatisfied with a demand for rectification, refusal of permission, other treatment or exercise of civil rights (with the exception of the matters listed below) constituting intervention by the state in local affairs, may make a written application to the Commission for an investigation to be carried out against the administrative organ of the state which was involved in the said intervention by the state.

1. Directions in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 13 of article 245-8.

2. The carrying out of matters relating to directions in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 245-8, acting in place of the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken in accordance with paragraph 8 of the same article.

3. Directions in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 245-8 applied mutatis mutandis to paragraph 12 of article 245-8, substituting as stipulated in paragraph 2 of article 252-17-4

4. The carrying out of matters relating to directions in accordance with the previous item acting in place of the mayor of the city, town or village in accordance with paragraph 8 of article 245-8 applied mutatis mutandis to paragraph 12 of article 245-8, substituting as stipulated in paragraph 2 of article 252-17-4



The chief executive or other executive organization of an ordinary local public body that is dissatisfied on account of negligence on the part of the state with regard to local matters (where an administrative organ of the state fails within a reasonable period of time to undertake matters relating to the exercise of civic rights such as the granting of permission, etc., when an application for the same has been made. Hereinafter in this subsection the same meaning shall apply.) may make a written application to the Commission for an investigation to be carried out against the administrative organ of the state which was involved in the said negligence by the state.



The chief executive or other executive organ of an ordinary local public body may, when an application has been made to an administrative organ of the state for consultations founded in the ordinances of the said ordinary local public body but the consultations have not taken place even though the said ordinary local public body is deemed to have fulfilled its obligations with regard to the said consultations, make written application to the Commission or an investigation to be carried out against the administrative organ of the state to which the application for consultation was made.



Application for an investigation in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be made within thirty days from the said intervention by the state. However, this shall not necessarily apply where application for an investigation in accordance with the same paragraph has not been made because of unavoidable circumstances, such as natural disaster, etc.





