日本財団 図書館


In such case as described in the previous paragraph, the Prime Minister shall obtain the ex post facto approval of both houses of the Diet at the first session of the Diet held after the appointment. If the Diet does not give ex post facto approval, the Prime Minister shall immediately dismiss the Commissioner.



The term of office of members of the Commission shall be three years. However, the term of office of a substitute member shall be the remainder of the term not served by his or her predecessor.



Commissioners may be reappointed.



When a Commissioner's term of office has been completed, he or she shall continue to perform his or her duties until the appointment of a successor.



The Prime Minister shall dismiss from office any Commissioner who is declared bankrupt or who is sentenced to imprisonment.



The Prime Minister shall dismiss the following Commissioners with the approval of both houses of the Diet:

1. Should three or more Commissioners come to belong to the same political party or other political organisation to which no Commissioners previously belonged, all but two of the Commissioners who belong to the same political party or other political organization.

2. Should two or more Commissioners come to belong to the same political party or other political organisation to which one Commissioner previously belonged, all but one of the Commissioners who have joined the same political party or other political organization.



The Prime Minister shall immediately dismiss a Commissioner who joins a political party or other political organization to which two other Commissioners already belong.



Should the Prime Minister consider that any member of the Commission is unable to perform his duties on account of mental or physical incompetence, has defaulted in the performance of any official duties, or has committed a misdeed unbecoming in a Commissioner, the Prime Minister may dismiss any such member from office with the approval of both houses of the Diet.



Except in such case as mentioned in the preceding provisions, namely, the latter half of paragraph 4 and from paragraph 8 to the previous paragraph, no member of the Commission may be dismissed against his or her will.



A Commissioner shall not disclose to any third party any information obtained by the Commissioner in connection with his/her duties. This obligation to secrecy shall remain in effect after the retirement of the Commissioner from his/her office.





