日本財団 図書館

Section III. Commissions and Commissioners


Subsection I. Common Rules




Article 180-5.

The commissions and commissioners to be established under law in each ordinary local public body as its executive organs are as follows:

1. The education commission;

2. The election administration commission;

3. The personnel commission or, in an ordinary local public body where a personnel commission is not established, the equity commission; and

4. The audit commissioners.



In addition to those enumerated in the preceding paragraph, the commissions to be established under law in each To, Do, Fu or Ken as its executive organs are as follows:

1. The public safety commission;

2. The local labor commission;

3. The expropriation commission;

4. The maritime district fishery coordination commission; and

5. The internal fishing ground administration commission.



In addition to those enumerated in paragraph 1, the commissions to be established under law in each city, town or village as its executive organs are as follows:

1. The agricultural commission; and

2. The realty valuation re-examination commission.



Secretariats of the commissions or commissioners enumerated in the preceding three paragraphs or any organs established by law to perform the affairs under the control of such commissions shall be so organized as to maintain balance with the organization of subdivisions established by the chief executive under paragraph 1, 2 or 6, or 7 or Article 158.



Members of commissions or commissioners shall serve on a part-time basis, except otherwise provided by law.



No member of a commission nor commissioner of an ordinary local public body may enter into a contract for work connected with his/her duties, nor become a manager of any person who has entered into such a contractual relationship, nor become an unlimited liability partner, director or auditor or similar officer or manager or liquidator of any corporation chiefly dependent upon such a contractual relationship (with the exception of a corporation specified by cabinet order, in which the said ordinary local public body has invested).





