日本財団 図書館

2. Expenses necessary for emergency recovery measures in case of a disaster or for prevention of epidemics.

3. The chief executive may budget on his/her own responsibility the expenses enumerated in item 1 of the preceding paragraph as well as the revenue to cover them, in order to meet such obligations of the ordinary local public body, if the assembly after reconsideration has again voted down or cut down such expenses.

4. If the assembly after reconsideration has again voted down or cut down the expenses enumerated in item 2 of paragraph 2, the chief executive may regard such vote as non-confidence resolution against himself/herself.


(Resolution of Non-Confidence)


Article 178.

If the assembly passes a resolution of non-confidence against the chief executive, the president of the assembly shall immediately inform him/her to that effect. The chief executive may thereupon dissolve the assembly within ten days from the date of receipt of such information.



The chief executive shall forfeit his/her office, when such period expires without dissolution of the assembly or when the assembly convoked for the first time after the dissolution passes again a resolution of non-confidence, and the president of the assembly informs him/her to that effect.



A resolution of non-confidence under paragraph 1 or under the preceding paragraph shall require a concurring vote of more than three quarters or one half respectively of the members present, provided that more than two-thirds of the total members shall be present.


(Extraordinary Action)


Article 179.

The chief executive may act upon his/her own authority with regard to any affair which shall otherwise be resolved upon by the assembly, in case the assembly is not duly formed, the assembly cannot open its meeting under Article 113, there is no time in the judgement of the chief executive to convoke the assembly, or no resolution is forthcoming thereupon from the assembly.



The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applicable also where a decision of the assembly is required.



The chief executive shall report to the assembly at the next meeting for approval upon actions taken under the preceding two paragraphs.





