日本財団 図書館

Subsection II Power




Article 147.

The chief executive shall be at the head of the ordinary local public body, which he/she shall represent.




Article 148.

The chief executive shall manage and execute the affairs of the ordinary local public body.




Article 149.

The chief executive of an ordinary local public body shall inter alia be responsible for:


1. Presenting bills for resolution of the assembly;

2. Preparing and executing the budget;

3. Levying and collecting local taxes, collecting assessments, charges, initial charges or fees, and imposing administrative fines;

4. Submitting a statement of accounts for certification of the assembly;

5. Supervising the accounts;

6. Procuring, administering and disposing of properties;

7. Establishing, operating and abolishing public facilities;

8. Keeping certificates and public documents; and

9. Executing other affairs of the ordinary local public body.


Article 150 and Article 151





Article 152.

If the chief executive is unable to serve or his/her post is vacant, an assistant governor or an assistant mayor shall act for the chief executive in the performance of his/her duties. Where there are two or more assistant governors or assistant mayors, they shall so act in the order previously arranged by the chief executive, or, failing such arrangement, in the order of their precedence, or, in case of doubt, in the order of age, or, in case of the same age, in the order decided by lot.



If the assistant governor or the assistant mayor is also unable to serve or his/her post is also vacant, or if the chief executive is unable to serve or his/her post is vacant where there is no assistant governor or assistant mayor, an official designated by the chief executive shall act for him/her.





