日本財団 図書館

Progress report of the correspondence group on evaluation of

the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes

Submitted by the coordinator of the correspondence group



Executive summary:

This document provides the results of the intersessional work of the correspondence group on evaluation of the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph ??

Related documents:

DSC 2/12/1, DSC 3/11/2, DSC 3/11/5, DSC 3/INF.6, DSC 4/5/4, DSC 4/5/5and DSC 4/14


1 The Sub-Committee, at its 4th session, established a correspondence group, with the coordinator of Mr. S. OTA (Japan), on evaluation of the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes. The terms of reference given to the group as specified in ANNEX 3 of report DSC 4/14 are as follows:


The group should:

.1 investigate the information on the detail of the scope of the application of the requirements for solid bulk cargoes which may liquefy;

.2 look for comparatively fine granular materials which are transported in bulk regardless of moisture content and comparatively coarse granular materials which are subject to the requirements for liquefaction materials;

.3 submit a progress report to the outcome of its intersessional work to DSC 5 and request to be allowed to work during the next intersessional period;

.4 subject to approval for the continuation of its work, conduct the liquefaction potential test for materials suitable for the evaluation of the test; and

.5 subject to approval for the continuation of its work, submit a final report of the outcome of its work to DSC 6.


2. Following member states have joined the group:

Australia Canada Japan Norway Poland


Scope of application of the requirement for solid bulk cargoes which may liquefy

3. The national legislation of the member countries on the application of the requirement for solid bulk cargoes which may liquefy were investigated. In Japanese legislation, twenty one general names of cargoes are listed for determining the scope of application of the requirement under the condition that the requirement is applied only to cargoes which may liquefy during the voyage. The list covers all cargoes listed in Appendix A of the BC Code. Furthermore, it is expressly provided that the requirement is applied for granulated slags when they may liquefy during the voyage. In the other national legislation of these countries, Appendix A of the BC Code or equivalent documents are provided to determine the scope of application of the requirement.


4. As the method for judgment on application of the requirement, the following two procedures were utilized:

(a) If it is suspected that a cargo may liquefy, the requirement is applied to the cargo; or

(b) To determine whether the requirement should be applied or not to a cargo, moisture content at shipment and the transportable moisture limit (TML) are compared.

Furthermore, [Japan is/some members are] of the opinion that a new method is needed to make a judgment for materials without experience of carriage onboard.


Materials suitable for the test for evaluating the liquefaction potential

5. The members of the C.G. investigated the materials described in the second paragraph of the terms of reference. The following materials are considered to be suitable for evaluating the liquefaction potential test




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