日本財団 図書館

(3) state of the carriage of the material, e.g., amount of the carriage of the material per year, number of voyages per year, major route of the voyage, experience of the carriage, etc.

(4) density of solid part and bulk density including moisture;

(5) ordinary moisture content at shipment;

(6) T.M.L., if applicable;

(7) possibility of sending the material (20 to 50 kg) during successive research; and

(8) any other relevant information on the material.



We understand that it is your intention to conduct tests on materials donated by Correspondence Group members following approval of DSC 5 for the continuation of the Group's work.

As a Government agency, we do not have access to the materials exported from Australia. Samples of such materials belong our mining industry and access to them is dependent on the cooperation of the mining industry. With this in mind we will, we will make every endeavour to comply with your requests for samples of materials.


Coordinator : Thank you very much. I wish you will provide good samples of materials.



A selection of the materials to evaluate the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes will be facilitated upon reception of the data as described in 2.1 above; and,

Item (7) can only be acknowledged after receiving the input of the First Round.



I'm afraid that it won't be possible to get any Polish materials for test. We tested all types of Polish concentrates. The results are presented in documents DSC 3/INF.6, DSC 4/5/4. We think that present at C.G will be very helpful; We would like to continue our tests and it would be great to examine same concentrates from other countries. Believe it won't be any problem for you.


Coordinator's comments (6) - Regarding comments by Poland :

We also consider that it is valuable to conduct the test using the same materials in some countries. Please consider to send sedimentary Galena to the counties which will conduct the test after DSC 5. Probably, we will be able to send the granulated slags to you.


4. Others

Action requested : Any other comments related to the work of the C.G. not requested above are very welcome.


Comments by Canada

At this stage, it would appear that this Enclosure (1) covers very well its requirements; and,

As indicated in item 1.1. b) above, from the state-of-the-art data we expect to received CG discussion and selected published articles, it is hoped that the existing knowledge about liquefaction will be enhanced and that limitations of existing approaches will be better realized. This information will serve as a basis for evaluating the soundness of procedures used by others to determine liquefaction potential in general; and, the evaluation of the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes in particular.


Coordinator's comments (7) - Regarding comments by Canada:

We had a long discussion on the evaluation method on liquefaction of solid bulk cargoes until BC 32 and after DSC 2. The state-of-the-art data are described in the documents of BC and DSC sub-committee.


Enclosure (2) : Preliminary draft of the report

DSC 5/5/?


Original: English





5th session

Agenda item 5




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