日本財団 図書館

・Verification whether the developed program can correctly simulate the movements of 1000m length airport model shall also be carried out.

(3) Experiment on navigation equipment for landing

The floating airport is required to be provided with instrumental landing systems for safe operation. When the installed positions of these systems, which instruct an appropriate approach angle to the aircraft, are displaced slightly up and down by deflection or movement of the floating body, the influence due to the angle changing may be unexpectedly larger as distance increases. This research includes corroborative experiments to confirm the performance of such devices, which are affected by the behavior of the floating body, while flying an actual aircraft in a low-pass manner, that is, in preparation for landing and then causing the aircraft to climb. Fig.-3 shows rough locations of the equipment for landing.

・Function verification experiment of instrumental landing system (ILS).

ILS is a device for guiding an aircraft to an approach pass using radio waves. This research verifies how the device installed on the airport model operates with the aircraft.

・Function verification experiment of precision approach pass indicator (PAPI)

PAPI is a device for informing the approach angle with signal light to the aircraft. This research verifies how the device installed on the airport model can be viewed.

・Applicability research of future air navigation system (FANS)

FANS is a control system for accurately informing position including attitude to an aircraft according to information obtained from artificial satellites, which are now being developed. In the case of a floating airport, this system needs to correspond to the vertical movement of the floating body caused by tides. This research is study of FANS fundamental functions.

(4) Take-off/landing experiment

The behavior of floating body can be grasped by simulation calculations. According to the calculation results for the floating airport, no problem will arise when aircraft take-off and lands. This research includes general take-off and landing corroborative experiments to verify these results and obtain various data.

・Take-off and landing corroboration on floating body

This research verifies that instruments installed on the aircraft such as magnetic compass are operating normally.

・Verification of inertial navigation system (INS)

INS is a device for locating position by integrating the direction and acceleration of the aircraft. This device is required to be zero-adjusted on the airport at standstill before take-off, therefore, this research verifies that the device can be zero-adjusted on the floating airport model.

(5) Research on environmental assessment

Continuing from phase 1, this research obtains and stores environmental data around the airport model to raise the accuracy of evaluating environmental influences and researches organisms adhering to the floating structure, and the relationship between the sound of airport and fish.

・Collection of environmental data To measure quality of water, bottom material, water organisms, benthos, etc. and obtain data before and after the installation of airport model.

・Investigation of relationship between sound of airport and fishes This relationship was studied in phase 1, however, this research surveys the relationship especially when the aircraft take off and land.

・Research on removing organisms Organisms adhering to the floating body have a fish-attracting effect which does not adversely affect the Mega-Float as distinct from the ship. However, excessive organisms should be prevented from fouling the Mega-Float. Since it was verified in phase 1 that forming an air layer on the bottom surface prevented organisms from fouling the bottom surface, this research studies practical application to Mega-Float.



Fig.-3 Rough Iocations of the equipment for landing





