日本財団 図書館

New Research Project of Mega-Float Corroborative Research on the Use of Mega-Float as Airport


1. Introduction

Technological Research Association of Mega-Float (TRAM) was established in April 1995 and has carried Research and Development of Ultra Large Floating Structure under a 3 year program (Phase 1). This research was successfully completed in March 1998 with results as anticipated and elemental technologies to construct Mega-Float has been established. However, as to the application of Mega-Float into civil airport which has the most difficult requirements in the area of Facility Function Guarantee Technology, it was pointed out by the Committee within the Ministry of Transport that further corroborative experiments shall be carried out to clarify some questions related to airport functions.

Under such circumstances,TRAM has decided to undertake "Corroborative Research on the Use of Mega-Float as Airport" as outlined hereafter for another 3 year program (Phase 2).


2. Outline of Phase 2 Research

In Phase 2 Research, the following airport model will be constructed:




Rough general arrangement is shown in Fig.-1.

The construction of the above model will be completed some time in summer 1999 and take-off/landing experiment by actual aircraft will be carried out in fiscal year 2000.

The contents of research which use the above airport model are illustrated in Fig.-2 and reviewed hereafter.

(1) Research on airport facilities

The facilities to be provided on floating airport have to satisfy the functions required as airport. In this connection, following devices will be developed:

・Low-headed and drift-free mooring system

Protrusions exceeding Obstacle Limitation Surface are not allowed by regulation and also it is not preferable for the runway to drift from side to side. Mooring system to satisfy such requirements will be developed.

・Approach light connecting device

In the floating airport, approach lights will be constructed on the fixed structure supported by piles at outside of the floating structure and the linearity of certain accuracy has to be maintained against up and down movements of the floating structure. Device to maintain such linearity will be developed.

・Research on pavement specification

Research on a steel-plate pavement including control and maintenance will be continued through large-scale experiments.

(2) Research on simulation program

・This research will develop a computer program capable of simulating the movements of the part of floating structure where landing devices are installed, which can provide accurate simulation applicable to any larger size of Mega-Float airport.



Fig.-1 Rough general arrangement



Fig.-2 Illustration of research contents





