日本財団 図書館

TSD SINDHURAJ 200m3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger


This dredger,built by Ishikawajima Ship & Chemical Plant Co., Ltd., was donated by the Japanese Government to the Indian Government as a grant-in-aid in the fishing sector for fiscal 1998. The vessel is expected to help develop small scale fishing operations in India through rehabilitation of small fishing ports in the country by clearing them of accumulated mud and sand on the bottom. Incidentally, this is the first case in which this kind of dredger is donated under a grant-in-aid program provided by Japan.



1. The vessel is a trailing suction hopper dredger most suitable for removal of mud and sand accumulating on the bottom of ports.

2. As the dredger is intended for service in small fishing ports, a shallow draft is an absolute requisite, and the vessel draws only 2.0 m.

3. In spite of its small size, the vessel's equipment embodies the foremost in high technology, paralleling large vessels. Its dredging system is comparable to those of large dredgers.

4. Though classed for coasting service, the vessel is comparable to oceangoing vessels in CO2 total flooding system and fire detecting system, as well as in rescue boat and nautical equipment.

5. The dredging system is designed to permit remote control from the wheelhouse by the operator who commands an extensive field of vision through the windows arranged all around.











