日本財団 図書館

- However, Earth drilling has to be an integral component of a major, large-scale, problem-focused research program and should always be complemented by geological and geophysical field experiunents, laboratory studies and modelling.



Scientific drilling has developed in diverse ways during the past 30 years. This diversity shows itself not just in the diversity of the environments probed or scientific problems tackled by drilling but also in scale and orgarn〜ational structure.


Activities range from large-scale internationally sponsored ongoing programs to one shallow hole diilled for a specific local project.

Our workshop today has shown that m spite of acknowledged diversity, scientific drilling has common characteristics in technology, relationsmp to broad prograuns such as global change, paleoenviromnents, deep biosphere, hazard reduction and education as well as common features m organizational structure and philosophical approach.





For that reason and in the spirit of earlier meetings such as Potsdam '93 and CONCOE〜D '97 participants in the workshop recommend the organisers of the workshop to take immediate steps to promote the strongest possible international and industrial participation in the coordination of scientific drilling.


Specifically the workshop recommends the workshop organisers to approach the ODP,IODP and ICDP with a view to the formation of a science-based coordinating committee to;

- identify common scientific goals

- identify common scientific programs

- coordinate technology, resources, and capabilities

- seek flexible organizational and fimding structnres that can be responsive to a wide range of international and interdisciplinary needs.




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