日本財団 図書館

12) Ice core being removed from drill barrel, Site-2, 1957.


13) Curve of the oxygen isotope measurements from a Site-2, core increment at the 279m depth. Summer(S) and Winter(W) peaks represent limits of annual accumulation layers of snowfall over 700 years ago.


14) A micrograph of enclosed air bubbles in polar ice descending depths.


15) A photograph of Dr. U. Nakaya, University of Hokkaido, Japan at Site-2, in 1957. U. Nakaya was visiting scientist at SIPRE investigating the physics of ice, Tyndai figures and snowflakes in the Arctic.


16) The main vehicle entrance to the below-surface Camp Century, Greenland, 1966.


17) The floor plan of Camp Century. Trench 12 (lower right) is the ice core drilling, core processing and core storage location. Camp capacity was 125 personnel.


18) The Camp Century, Greenland 500m long under snow main trench, 1961.


19) The thermal drill in trench 12, Camp Century, 1964. Note: corrugated steel arched roof.


20) Core barrel of thermal drill being inserted into bore-hole by H. Ueda, SIPRE engineer at Camp Century, 1964.


21) The curve of 30,000 oxygen isotope measurements made on the entire 1387m Camp Century long ice core (left) compared with other proxy data curves representing the same 100,000 year time period (Dansgaard. et al. 1969).


22) Micrograph of a thin section of Camp Century core at 275m. Largest crystals average 1 cm diameter.


23) The Byrd Station. Anarctica main vehicle entrance to the subsurface camp, 1969.


24) The winch assembly of the Electrodrill in trench at Byrd Station, 1969.


25) The Milcent, Greenland surface drilling camp, 1973.


26) The Crete, Greenland surface drilling camp, 1974.




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