Studies of the earth system are, therefore an essential part of the precautionary study that must be done in the interests of future generations. They will challenge each generation of scientists as severely as any frontier of science or technology and they form prime exploration and intellectual challenges.
The speakers in this meeting have demonstrated to us beyond doubt that drilling the ocean floors, in places, and to solve problems that have hitherto been beyond us, is a vital part of this endeavour.
We are therefore here celebrating the beginning of OD21, not only as enthusiastic scientists but as citizens. This concept has been carefully developed for some years now, We now enter a new era, where timely and purposeful action is called for to build the vessel as a state-of-the-art facility calling on front line expertise from around the world. I know I speak on behalf of all your overseas guests as well as the Japanese audience in thanking the organisers for convening this meeting and congratulating you on the vision of this project. Its validity has been conflrmed in this Forum and we all should earnestly wish for its great success.