Designing Wells on a Lifecycle Basis:A Case Study From the Statfjord Field
Petter Kostl and Rune Nedregaard, Statoil
OTC 8803
Unique Aspects Encountered Drilling a Record Setting Extended Reach Well in China
D. R. Morgan, Phillips Petroleum U. K. Ltd., and Z. M. Jiang, China Natl. Offshore Oil Corp.
OTC 8804
Validation of Advanced Hydraulic Modeling Using PWD Data
Ph. A. Charlez. Total Oil Marine; M. Easton, Sperry Sun; G. Morrice, Baroid Ltd.; and P. Tardy, Cenergys
OTC 8805
Advanced Completion Techniques for Extended Reach Wells
E. M. Proano, Baker Oil Tools, and Alberic Clergier, Total Austral S. A.
OTC 8806
Innovative Way To Run Liners in Horizontal or Extended Reach Wells
M. S. Fuller. A Gharesi , and B. Kaspersen. Weatherford Enterra Inc.
OTC 8807
Brazilian FPSOs: Field Experience, lnnovative Concepts, and Requirements for Torret Design A. M. Silva and C. F. Mastrengelo, Petrobras S. A.
OTC 8808
Deepwater FPSO for Aquila Field Development in the Adriatic
C. Chimisso, ENl S. p. A-AGIP E&P Div.; H. Tagher and N. C. Biss, Single Buoy Moorings Inc.; and G. Stani, Saipen S. p. A.
OTC 8809
Conceptual Design and Analyses of Deep-Sea FPSO Converted from VLCC
I-K Park, Y-S. Jang, H-S. Shin, and Y-T. Yang, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
OTC 8810
Modular or Turnkey FPSO: A World oflnterfaces
G. Keolanui and P. Lunde, IMODCO Inc., and O. Jeannin. SBM Inc.
OTC 8811
FPSO With Terret Based Drilling System (FPDSO): An Approach to a Cost-Effective Deepwater Field Development
Leiv Wanvik Kvaerner Oil & Gas A/S; Leen Poldervaart, SBM Inc.; and Henning Mong, Statoil A/S
OTC 8812
Installation Experience of Non-Conventional Mooring Patterns for Ultra-Deepwater Production Units
L. F. Rolo, I. Q. Masetti, F. G. Palazzo and C. Del Vexxhio, Petrobras S. A., and M. V. Rodrigues. COPPE/Federal U. of Rio de Janeiro
OTC 8813
The MFB, A Deep Water FPSO with Surface Trees and Drilling Facilities
C. Valenchon and J. H. Rssig. Bouygues Offshore; G. Pouget Sedco-Forex; and F. Biolley. Inst. Mexicano del Petroleo
OTC 8814
Monohull Floating Production Systems in the GOM: Pros and Cons R.B. D'Souza, Aker Engineering Inc.
OTC 8815
Analysis of the Effetts of First-Arrival Traveltime, Multiples, and Velocity Errors on Subsalt Kirchoff Images
G. G. Lewis, Exxon Production Research Co.
OTC 8816
ldentification and Mapping of Over Pressure From Prestack Depth-Migrated Focusng Analysis
J. R Patch and W. S. Steiner, GX Technology Corp.
OTC 8817
Reflection Tomography and Velocity Model Building in an Area Characterized by Shallow Gas
J. E. Sempere and P. B. Hardy. GX Teduology Corp.
OTC 8818
Rapid Updating and Visualization of 3D Velocity Models
Phil Schultz Advanced Data Solutions Inc. , and Mike Saunders, 3DX lnc.
OTC 8819
Advanced Borehole Seismology
B. N. P. Paulsson, J. W. Fairbon, and B.N. Fullerton, Paulsson Geophysical Services Inc.
OTC 8820
Processing of Three Dimensional Vertical Cable Data Over SEG/EAGE Physical Model
M. G. Guimaraes and K. K. Sekharan, U. of Houston, and D. Sukup and P.Krail Texaco lnc.
OTC 8821
A New Efficient Air-Gun Array Design Technique Ideally Suited for Imaging Sub-Basalt and Sub-Salt Targets
M. Safar. Consultant
OTC 8822
Fixed Steel Offshore Strulcture Design-Past, present & Future
D. J. Wisch, Texaco Inc.
OTC 8823
The Use of API Simplified Fatigue Design Methodology for Gulf of Mexico Stuctures
W. H. Luyties, Shell Deepwater Development Systems Inc., and A. M. Stoebner, Vanderbilt U.