OTC 8824
Design and Construction of a Two-Piece Lifted Jacket for the Enchilada Development
P. L. Dorgant, Shell Deepwater Development Inc; M. C. Hansen and G. E. Sgouros, Shell Offshore Inc.; Fuat Sezer, Aker Gulf Marine; and Guus ter Steege, Heerema
OTC 8825
Conductor Supported Pulltube Bundle-An Alternative Approach To Supporting Pipelines on a Fixed Platform
P. L. Dorgant, Shell Deepwater Development Inc., and M. C. Hansen and D. M. Gallaher, Shell Offshore Inc.
OTC 8826
Technical and Economic Evaluation of a Gulf of Mexico Platform for Reuse in the North Sea
S. DeFranco, J. Gebara P. O'Connor, W. Hamilton, Amoco Corp., and F. Puskar and A.Younan, EQE Intl.
OTC 8827
Measure and Simulated Dynamic Response of a Jacket and a Large Jack-Up Platform in North Sea
D. Karunakaran, Sintef; M. Baerheim, Statoil; and N. Spidsoe, Sintef
OTC 8828
Comparison of Full-Scale Measurements and Time-Domain Irregular Sea Analysis for a Large Deepwater Jack-Up
A. C. Morandi, MSL Engineering Ltd.; D. Karunakaran, Sintef; A. T. Dixon, Health & Safety; and M. Baerheim, Statoil
OTC 8829
Testing of a New Grouted Joint for Offshore Platforms
Lal Silva and B. Carroll, Kvaerner Oil & Gas Ltd.; T. Olsen, Kvaerner RosenbergA. S. ;and D. Caldwell, Billington Osborne Moss Engineering Ltd.
OTC 8830
Soil Parameters for Design of Suction Caissons for Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Clays
Philippe Jeanjean, Amoco Corp., and K. H. Andersen and B. Kalsnes, Norwegian Geotechnical lnst.
OTC 8831
Performance of Suction Anchors in Fine-Grained Calcareous Soils
M. F. Randolph, M. P. O'Neill and D. P. Stewart, U. of Western Australia, and C. Erbrich Advanced Geomechanics
OTC 8832
Application of Suction Caisson Foundations in the Gulf of Mexico
S. L. El-Gharbawy, U. of Texas;
OTC 8833
nnovative Suction Anchor Design and Installation
D. Hagen, E. Anden[oelig]s, and G. M. Korstad, Aker Marine Contractors AS
OTC 8834
Further Evolution of the API/ISO Pile Design Methods in Clay
A. G. Young, Marsco Inc.; J. A. Focht, Fugro-McClell and Marine Geosciences Inc.; J. H. Pelletier. Shell E&P Technology Co.; and G. W. Quirs, Marsco Inc.
OTC 8835
Soil Model for Pile Driveability Predictions
T. Alm, Aker Engineering A/S, and L. Hamre, Noteby A/S
OTC 8836
lnnovative Developments in Suction Pile Technology
Samy Alhayari, Single Buoy Moorings Inc.
OTC 8837
Design Procedures for Deepwater Anchors in Clay R. Dahlberg, Det Norske Veritas
OTC 8838
World's First "Smart Well" Completion: Experience From the Snorre TLP
A. Bjonsgaard and S. H. Tonnessen, Saga Petroleum Corp., and L. Vinje. Petroleum Engineering Services
OTC 8839
Integration of an Intelligent Completion Into an Existing Subsea Production System
M. C. Robbinson and D. Mathieson, Shell U. K E&P
OTC 8840
Surface-Controlled Gas-Cap-Gas Lift as a Means To Improve Oil Recovery on the Troll Field
M. Stenhaug and A. Haaland, Norsk Hydro A/S
OTC 8841
Reliability in ICS Intelligent Completion Systems: A Systemic Approach From Design to Deployment
A. F. Veneruso, S. Sharma G. Vachon, and S. Hiron, Schlumberger Wireline and Testing, and T. Bussear and S. Jennings, Baker Oil Tools
OTC 8842
Optical Reservoir Instrumentation System
A. D. Kersey, J. R, Dunphy, and A. D. Hay, CiDRA Corp.
OTC 8844 Deepwater Remotely Acuated Completions for the 21st Century Mike Smith, Evan Lowe, Craig Coull, Baker Oil Tools
OTC 8844
Production Straregy Yields Unique Perforating, Cost-Efficient Multilateral Drilling Solution in the Beryl Field
C.R Willams, Halliburton Energy Services; H. Sadek, Mobil North Sea Ltd.; and M. A. Smith, Weatherford Enterra Inc.