OTC 8780
Considerations for the Use of Vacuum-Insulated Tubing
R. L. Spahn, Manatee Inc., and D. A. Porter and L. R. Twyford, BP Exploration Inc.
OTC 8781
Troika Hardpipe Jumper System
M. L. Byrd, T. L. McInturff, and B. C. Volkert, Manatee Inc., and J. W. Hellums, Cameron
OTC 8782
Thermally Insulated Flexible and Rigid Pipelines for Ultra Deep Water
R. H. Nuttall and J. Hardy, Coflexip Stena Offshore
OTC 8783
Thermal Insulation of Flowlines with Polyurethane Foam
S. Palle, Logstor Ror
OTC 8784
Evolution of the Global Decommissioning Regulatory Regime
W. S. Griffin, Phillips Petroleum Co.
OTC 8785
Decommissioning Technology Challenges
P. H. Prasthofer, Offshore Decommissioning Communications Project/Exxon
OTC 8786
Use of Oil and Gas Platforms as Habitat in Louisiana's Artificial Reef Program
R. A. Kasprzak, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries
OTC 8787
Realizing the Inherent Value in Decommissioned Facilities
R. C. Byrd, Twachtman Snyder & Byrd Inc.
OTC 8788
Life Cycle Assessment-Development Planning Through Decommissioning
H-J. Poremski, Germany Federal EnvironmentAgency
OTC 8789
Alternative Donation Options With the Texas Artificial Reef Program
J. C. Culbertson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.
OTC 8790
New Developments in Explosive Cutting
B. Twomey, Reverse Engineering Ltd.
OTC 8791
Risk Assessment of a BOP and Control System for 10,000' Water Depths
Marc Quilici and Thomas Roche, EQE Intl.; Peter Fougere, Transocean Offshore Inc.; and Dave Juda, Hydril Co.
OTC 8792
Troika Subsea Production Control System
R. M. Hesketh-Prichard, Manatee Inc.; N. Brown and L. R. Twyford; BP Exploration; and M. J. Given, ABB Seatec
OTC 8793
Autonomous Buoy for Offshore Well Control and Monitoring
O. J. de Pinho, M. L. L. Euphemio, and O. B. Correia, Petrobras S. A
OTC 8794
SharedActuator Manifold-An Innovative Conception to Minimize Costs
C. C. Moreira, L. P. Ribeiro, M. B. Cergueira, A. Garcia, and L. G. Cosentino, Petrobras
OTC 8795
Development of a Multiphase Flowmeter Without Radioactive Source
Manabu Fueki, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Tomomi Nishi, and Daisuke Yamazaki, Yokogawa Electric Corp., and Atsushi Yoshida, Japan Natl. Oil Corp.
OTC 8796
Opportunities for the Electric Operation of Valves Associated With Oil and Gas Production
T. C. Matthews, Rotork Actuation
OTC 8797
Instrumented Monitoring of Workover Risers
P. Osen, SeaFlex; S. Clausen and T. G. Werno, Statoil A/S; and B. Johannesen, Robit Technology
OTC 8798
Case History: New Gas Flow Computer Design Facilitates Offshore Gas Measurement in Gulf Coast Project
Mike Chunn and Wayne Bonin, Chevron USA Ltd., and D. E. McFarland, Ken Jenkins, and K. D. Fink, Halliburton Energy Services Inc.
OTC 8799
Offshore Norway Case History: First Successful Multilateral Well Installation From a Floating Rig
Austin Freeman, Halliburton Energy Services Inc.; Tore Gronas, Norsk Hydro; Frode Berge, Halliburton Oilfield Services (Norway) Inc.; and Doug Durst and Mike Luke, Weatherford Enterra Inc.
OTC 8800
Multilateral Techniques Enhance Feasibility for Deepwater Applications With Limited Reserves
J. R. Longbottom, Halliburton Energy Services Inc.
OTC 8801
Application of Downhole Video Technology to Multilateral Well Completions
Steve Maddox, Halliburton Energy Services