日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 37

Part B, Section 2.D

D. The ballast water management plan shall include:
- the nomination of key shipboard control personnel undertaking ballast water exchange at sea;
- relevant parts of this Annex,
- approval documentation relevant to treatment equipment;
- an indication or records required: and
- the location of possible sampling points.
Proposed amendments Part B, Section 2.D

Sweden proposes:

D The ballast water management plan shall include:
- the nomination of lay shipboard control personnel undertaking ballast water exchange at sea;
- relevant parts of this Annex,
- approval documentation relevant to treatment equipment;
- approval of the ship's Ballast Water Management Plan and any revisions thereto, pursuant to regulation 7.2
- particulars of any exemptions granted pursuant to regulation 3.2
- an indication or records required; and
- the location of possible sampling points.


Part B, Section 3 - Information to be Provided to Ships by Port State Authorities
- details of their requirements concerning ballast water management;
- location and terms of use of alternative exchange zones;
- any other port contingency arrangements; and
- the availability, location, capacities of and applicable fees relevant to reception facilities that are being provided for the environmentally safe disposal of ballast water and associated sediment.


Proposed amendments Part B, Section 3

Australia suggests to unbolding the headings of Sections 3 and 4 in the interests of consistency throughout the document.







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