日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 35

Part B Section 2.A

A. Ships engaged in ballast water exchange at sea shall have procedures for ballast management operations which account for the following safety considerations, as applicable:

.1 avoidance of over and under-pressurization of ballast tanks,
.2 free surface effects on stability and sloshing loads in tanks that may be slack at any one time;
.3 admissible weather conditions;
.4 weather routing in areas seasonably affected by cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, or heavy icing conditions,
.5 maintenance of adequate intact stability in accordance with an approved trim and stability booklet;
.6 permissible seagoing strength limits of shear forces and bending moments in accordance with an approved loading manual;
.7 torsional forces, where relevant:
.8 minimum/maximum forward and aft draughts,
.9 wave -induced hull vibration,
.10 documented records of ballasting and/or de-ballasting;
.11 contingency procedures for situations which may affect the ballast water exchange at sea, including deteriorating weather conditions, pump failure, loss of power, etc.;
.12 time to complete the ballast water exchange or an appropriate sequence thereof taking into account that the ballast water may represent 50% of the total cargo capacity for some ships, and


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