日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 34

Part B, Section 1.B

B. Parties shall endeavour to ensure that ships flying their flag or operating under their authority which may conduct ballast water exchange:

.1 are fitted as needed, with a loading instrument to perform calculations of shear forces and bending moments induced by ballast water exchange at sea and to compare with the permissible strength limits;

.2 undertake (a)n evaluation of the safety margins for stability and strength contained in allowable seagoing conditions specified in the approved trim and stability booklet and the loading manual, relevant to individual types of ships and loading conditions. In this regard particular account should be taken of the following requirements :

.1 stability to be maintained at all times to values not less than those recommended by the Organization (or required by the Administration);

.2 longitudinal stress values not to exceed those permitted by the ship's classification society with regard to prevailing sea conditions; and

.3 exchange of ballast in tanks or holds where significant structural loads may be generated by sloshing action in the partially filled tank or hold to be carried out in favourable sea and swell conditions so that the risk of structural damage is minimized.
No proposed amendments






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