日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 32

Part A, Section 3.C

C Discharge to reception facilities
  If reception facilities for ballast water and/or sediments are provided by a port State, they may, where appropriate, utilized.

If a ship cannot conduct one of the ballast water management options set forth above due to conditions set forth In Regulation 4(4) and a lack of reception facilities, the ship shall only discharge the minimum essential amount of ballast water to the extent permitted and in accordance with port State's contingency strategies and requirements.

Proposed amendments Part A, Section 3.C

Hong Kong, China proposes:

Part A, Section 3C is amended as follows:

"C   Discharge to reception facilities
   If reception facilities for ballast water and/or....., where appropriate, be utilized.
  If a ship cannot conduct one of the ballast water management options ...... in Regulation r(4)[4.5] and a lack of reception facilities, the .....".

Australia proposes the following:
This Section should also be consistent with Section 1.A, and include the following:

   D. Other ballast water treatment options as approved under Regulation 4(2)

comments 38

Sweden proposes the following:

C   Discharge to reception facilities

    If reception facilities for ballast water and/or sediments are provided by a port State, they may shall, where appropriate, be utilized.

38    The paragraph (not numbered) at the end of Section 3 should again not include reference specifically to Section 4(4), as Australia could not support it with this reference remaining as outlined above in relation to Section I .A. The words "due to any exceptions set forth in this Annex" are suggested to replace reference to Regulation 4(4). In addition, it is important that consistency between the final paragraph in Section I .A and Section 3.A is maintained, and it is suggested that the words "and a lack of reception facilities" be deleted, as this is understood, and not needed if reference to Regulation 4(4) is deleted.






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