日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 30

Part A, Section 3 - Ballast Water Exchange in Designated Alternate Areas

A. Ballast Water Exchange
1 Alternate areas where designated should be based on scientific information. States, In designating such areas, shall take into account environmental effects on other States, with a view to avoiding the creation of hazards for other States.
2 Safety: When exchanging ballast at sea, guidance on safety aspects of ba!last water exchange as set out in part B of the Appendix shall be taken into account.
3 Techniques: When conducting ballast water exchange, of the one following techniques shall be employed:
- The sequential method. Where this method is employed, all of the ballast water should be discharged until suction is lost, and stipping pumps or eductors should be used if possible;
- The flow-through method. Where this method is employed in the deep sea by pumping ballast water into the tank or hold and allowing the water to overflow, at least three times the tank volume should be pumped through the tank; and
- Other ballast exchange options approved by the port State.
Proposed amendments Part A, Section 3.A

Australia proposes:
The heading (Part A, Section 3) should be changed to:
"Ballast Water Exchange in Designated Areas and on Voyages Other Than Deep Sea Voyages." 32

The text "based on scientific information" in Section 3,A.1 must be changed to "based on scientific information where practicable" 33

Sweden proposes the following:
Section 3 - Ballast Water Management Options Exchange in Designated alternate Areas for voyage other than open ocean voyages 34

When open ocean exchange of ballast water cannot be undertaken, requirements by individual port States or requirements developed within regional agreements may by in operation, and shall be observed, provided that they are consistent with this Annex 35

A. Ballast Water Exchange in Designated Alternate Areas

    Other ballast exchange options approved by the port state 36

32   This is consistent with Regulation 4(4) and makes its broad intention clear in the Code.

33   Otherwise Australia would be unable to support this clause in the Code or the definition of "Deep Sea Voyage" in the Regulations. Many countries, including Australia, will be faced with the need to require a mid ocean exchange during voyages other than Deep Sea Voyages, and this Section must therefore be practical in its application. Scientific information is unlikely to be available for many years for mid ocean areas less than 200 nautical miles offshore and/or shallower than 500m in depth. By including this requirement these countries would effectively be prevented from requiring ballast water exchange during voyages other than those undertaken in deep ocean as defined in these Regulations.

34 Exchange in "Designated Alternate Areas" is a subsection of Section 3.

35  suggested new introductory text.

36   Move to the end of Section 3 as 3(D)





MEPC 43/4
Page 31

  Proposed amendments Part A, Section 3.A (continued)

Hong Kong, China proposes:
The second paragraph of Part A, Section 3A.3 is amended as follows: "- The flow-through method. Where this method is employed, in the deep sea by pumping ballast water [is pumped] into the tank or hold and allowing the water......".37
Part A,Section 3.B

B   Non-release release of ballast water

 Ballast water may be retained in tanks or holds.
Proposed amendments Part A, Section 3.B

Hong Kong, China proposes: The heading of Part A, Section 3B is amended as:
"B   Non-releases release of ballast water"

37 The amendment is due to this Section 3 referring to non-deep sea voyage only under Reg.4.4.






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