日本財団 図書館

MEPC 43/4
Page 28

The text below is part of a proposal submitted to the Working Group at MEPC 41

Part A Section 2 - Other Precautionary Praedces
A   Minimizing uptahe of harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments

    When loading ballast, every effort should be made to avoid the uptahe of potentially harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments that may Contain such organisms. The uptake of ballast water should be minimized or, where practicable avoided in areas and situations such as:

- in darkness when bottom-dwelling organisms may rise up in the water column;
- in very shallow water;
- where propellers may stir up sediment; or,
- other areas identified by the port State in connection with advice.
No proposed amendments
Part A, Section 2.B

B.  Removing ballast sediments on a timely basis

   Where practicable, routine cleaning of the ballast tank to remove sediments shall be carried out in the deep sea or under controlled arrangements in port or dry dock in accordance with the provisions of the ship's ballast water management plan.
Proposed amendments Part A, Section 2.B

Australia proposes

B.  Removing ballast sediments on a timely basis, add the following text to the end: "in accordance with a port States requirements where this occurs in a port". 31

Sweden proposes the following
B.   Removing ballast sediments on a timely basis

    Where practicable, routine cleaning of the ballast tank to remove sediments shall be carried out in the [deep sea,] open ocean or under controlled arrangements in port or dry dock, in accordance with the provisions of the ship 's ballast water management plan.


31 There may be mandatory requirements in a number of countries, as there is in Australia, for the safe on- land disposal of sediment specifically taken out of a ballast tank, for instance, 31 by shove ling out.




MEPC 43/4
Page 29

Part A, Section 2.C

C.    Avoiding unnecessary discharge of ballast water

    If it is necessary to take on and discharge ballast water in the same port to facilitate safe cargo operations, unnecessary discharge of ballast water that has been loaded in another port shall be avoided.
Proposed amendments Part A, Section 2.C

Hong Kong, China proposes:
The heading of Part A. Section 2C is amended as follows for editorial improvement:

"C.    Avoiding unnecessary discharge of ballast water [in port areas]".





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