where, v is ship speed, vmax is maximum open water speed as defined in the figure., Tnet is the net thrust(kN), Tpull is the bollard pull thrust(kN), Ke is the coefficient: 0.728 for single screw, 0.98 for twin screw, and 1.12 for triple screw. PD is the propeller diameter(m), PD is the ice resistance(kW), and Ri is the resistance of icebreaker in each ice condition.
Ship speed in open water
The ship speed in open water is equal to the navigation speed of input data; Vmax.
Ship speed in channel ice
RCH, the resistance of channel ice, is given by the equation(2.6.3).
The voyage speed is calculated by equation(2.6.1)in which RCH is assumed to be equal to TNET in the equation(2.6.1).