日本財団 図書館

2.6 Transit ship speed simulation code


2.6.1 Summary of the development for transit ship speed code

Transit ship spppd code: NEWSIM2

The ship velocity simulation code named NEWSIM has been developed by the Helsinki University of Technology (Lensu et al., 1996) in INSROP phase I in order to calculate ship transit velocity in ice infested waters. However, NEWSIM dealt with too simple ice condition, and NEWSIM2 is newly developed (Riska et al., 1998) for this simulation to incorporate parameters prepared by WP2. NEWSIM2 is the code using FORTRAN, and it enables to calculate ship speed in five different types of ice conditions;

Open water

Channel ice

Level ice

Ridged ice

Pack ice


Table 2.6.1 shows input parameters of NEWSIM 2.


Table 2.6.1 Input parameters



The equation in which a net thrust is equal to the resistance is adopted as calculation method for the ship speed. Figure 2.6.1 represents the calculation method schematically. The equation (2.6.2)(Riska, 1997) is used to calculate the net thrust.




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