日本財団 図書館



The public service is the largest service industry in most countries. Each government employee should think of how they may provide people with better services when they perform their duties.


6-1 Public Feedback on the Government Services


The clients of the public service are the general public. In the public sector, the relationship between cost and service is not clear. Public employees therefore often fail to realize that it is the general public that they must serve. Government officials must always listen to public opinion and try to provide better government administration.

(Discussion Points)

・Are all of your office colleagues aware that public administration is a service industry ?

・Does your office have a mechanism to listen to public opinion and reflect this in government administration ?

Sheet 86 Public Feedback on the Government Services


6-2 Service Improvement Methods


In order to improve the government service, it is important to pay attention to public opinion and take advantage of the creativity of each public employee. It is essential that the entire organization support this policy and that action programs be set up to introduce improvements.

(Discussion Point)

・What action programs for service improvement does your office have ? How do you evaluate the effects of these programs ?

Sheet 87 Service Improvement Methods

Sheet 88 Improvement in the Civil Service-the Malaysian Effort


6-3 Interaction with the Public


Not only the policies of the government but also how each government employee interacts with the general public may influence public confidence in the government itself. Even if government policy is good, when public employees implementing the policy interact badly with the people, the government will fail to gain public support.

(Discussion Points)

・Why is the quality of interaction with the general public so important ?

・How do you evaluate your own service attitude ? What are your good and bad points in this respect ?

・If government employees are to improve the quality of their interaction with the public, what points must they take care of ?

・When public employees receive members of the public as visitors to their office, over what points should they be careful ?

Sheet 89 Good Interaction with the Public

Sheet 90 Consideration and Understanding

Sheet 91 How to Receive Visitors

Let's discuss the following case.

Sheet 92 "Good Service by a Unit Chief"

Sheet 93 Guide to the Case "Good Service by a Unit Chief"





