日本財団 図書館

Sheet 78




Corruption causes severe damage to public confidence in public administration, and it takes an immense effort over a very long period of time on behalf of the administration to restore this. When an incident of corruption is brought to light, it dishonors not only the agency directly concerned, but it also brings shame to the entire public service, and every government official is thereafter subjected to a long period of criticism and public pressure. Recognizing the disastrous effect that corruption has on social order, many countries have introduced strict measures towards its prevention.

Corruption is no longer seen as a personal matter. It does great harm to all people related including the employees' boss, colleagues, employees, family members, etc. An account of this damage and suffering is outlined below.


1 Tragic Outcome for the Perpetrators


・They will receive disciplinary punishment, and are more than likely to be dismissed from work.

・They will receive criminal punishment.

・Should they be dismissed, all potential salary until retirement will be lost. Looking for a new job in the private sector has proved to be difficult (No company responsible for bribing officials has ever offered a job later in a situation such as this).

・They will lose their rights to all or part of their pension.

・All money received as bribes will be confiscated.


2 Surrounding People Suffer as an Outcome


・Family members

Family members of corrupt officials have reportedly been treated like outcasts in society. Their children have been subjected to bullying at school. Their marriage and family relationships have come under a great deal of stress, which has even, in certain cases, led to marital break-up or divorce.


・The boss

The boss' ability to supervise their staff will be questioned.


・The office

All his colleagues of the perpetrator will be placed under suspicion of being involved in the corruption. Public confidence in the agency and morale at the office will both suffer immensely.





