日本財団 図書館


When delegating authority, with a view to staff development, it is preferable to assign difficult tasks that involve a considerable amount of work, but which are nevertheless achievable if great effort is put in. Beyond this level, the assignment may backfire and result in failure. While it is essential to guide the work towards success by keeping updated with ongoing progress, over-supervision is contrary to the very purpose of delegation. The final responsibility for the delegated job belongs to the boss, even if other members of staff are responsible for implementing it. This point should be made very clear in advance.



Reprimanding employees in public will cause them great embarrassment, and is normally too extreme a penalty for the purpose. It may be useful, however, if staff make the same mistakes repeatedly or the intention is to warn the rest. In general, should it be necessary, it is better to reprimand employees in private. The purpose of a reprimand is to make employees aware of their mistakes so that they will do things correctly the next time. In most cases, however, the staff concerned will have already realized and regretted their mistakes. In situations such as this, a considerate and sensitive approach such as simply bringing the matter to their attention, is essential.



People feel more motivated to make an effort if they are shown signs of appreciation or praise. While too many compliments may backfire, positive praise is a basic necessity. Praise passed on through a third party can often give great satisfaction to the staff concerned and may even be more effective.



As staff ability and motivation improves, a different approach should be taken to coach them. Instead of teaching every detail, staff should be left to do most of the thinking by themselves.



Strict checking tends to discourage staff from thinking independently and stumps their creativity.



Outside office hours, the relationship between bosses and their staff is essentially private, and it may not be appropriate to discuss OJT or work. In practice, however, it is difficult to draw a clear line between work and private relationships. On occasions such as parties, where each may speak their real mind, effective guidance and coaching may be possible. It would cause problems, however, if the organization itself actively encouraged off-office-hour activities such as this.



To point out things and guide staff as and when the need arises is an important component of OJT. It is necessary to be flexible when following the OJT work plan.



Even with the latest advancements in technology and the ongoing era of rapid change, the importance of OJT being conducted for everyday practical work remains the same. Rather than being stringent, OJT places emphasis on adapting to the various values and beliefs held in the office and motivates staff accordingly.





