日本財団 図書館


The basic objective of OJT is not just to provide individual job guidance, but to enhance the human resource development of the overall organization. Methods of job guidance include teaching, demonstration and practical sessions. Human resource development, however, requires a more creative and conscious effort by the boss in areas such as delegating authority, sharing experiences, and motivating self-development among staff. It is therefore preferable that OJT makes use of all methods possible for the effective development of staff.



Learning through experience, staff will gain a better understanding of how to solve problems. First-hand experience has a different effect than studying theory or acquiring knowledge indirectly. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses.



Action that is insincere, or behavior that has an ulterior motive is easily transparent to staff. It is important to be consistent regarding attitude and actions when leading by example.



OJT is conducted in relation to the job. The results of OJT can often be applied directly to real work. Off-JT is carried out away from the office under the supervision of a training specialist who has no direct connection to the work. This may be problematic when it comes to evaluating training results.



As OJT is conducted directly between bosses and their staff, human relations cannot be ignored. It is possible that friction may arise from differences in ways of thinking, levels of expectations, methods of training, etc.



The busier the office, the greater the need for work improvement and creativity. This is something over which most employees agree. The busier the office, the more compatible it is to OJT.





