日本財団 図書館

5 Which of the following best describes the scope of OJT ?


a. Most types of ability can be developed through OJT.

b. It is impossible for staff to develop beyond the level of their bosses.

c. It is difficult to achieve breakthrough development (from the existing office climate) through OJT.

d. OJT is useful for learning direct know-how about the job, etc., but it is not so effective in other aspects.


6 Which of the following most appropriately describes the time allocated to implementing OJT ?


a. The basic principle behind OJT is that it is carried out with full concentration according to a pre-planned schedule.

b. The basic principle behind OJT is that it is carried out when needs for development arise.

c. While OJT should be carried out according to a pre-planned schedule, it is preferable if points for correction in everyday work are also noted and pointed out to staff at an appropriate time.

d. It is preferable that a clearly defined period of time is set aside each day for OJT, and that this is faithfully adhered to.


7 Which of the following descriptions is the most accurate concerning methods of OJT ?


a. OJT is something that is taught by supervisors.

b. The day to day leadership by example of a boss is not OJT.

c. It is preferable to take advantage of all methods available for staff development.

d. Motivating staff in their work and inspiring them towards self-development is not educational, and is therefore not OJT.


8 Which of the following descriptions is inappropriate concerning the usefulness of experience ?


a. Through experience, employees may recognize their own level of knowledge and ability.

b. Experience is about learning how to solve problems, and is therefore useful for improving practical skills.

c. In learning through experience, too much effort is wasted in making mistakes. It is not as effective as being taught directly the general principles or knowledge.

d. Through experience, it is possible for staff to find new goals for self-development.


9 Which of the following is not an appropriate description of leadership by example ?


a. Staff may be unable to follow the example if it is carried out too stringently or in too much detail. It may indeed even backfire by inviting their repulsion.

b. Leadership by example is most effective in situations where staff display bad attitudes or behavior.

c. If their actions are inconsistent with their attitude, bosses cannot expect their leadership to have an educational impact on their staff.

d. The attitude and behavior of bosses are entirely their own concern, and they should not force these upon their staff.





