日本財団 図書館

As illustrated above, there are various methods of conducting OJT. The basic principles of OJT are to teach, exemplify and make employees do.

。?To teach, the supervisor must provide a verbal explanation of things that employees either don't know or are unable to do.

。?To exemplify, the supervisor must illustrate by example how the work should actually be done so that employees can fully understand the methods involved.

。?To make employees do, the supervisor must provide ample opportunities for employees to gain real experience so that they may learn the practical skills that they require.


To provide effective OJT, it is essential that employees are made to think by themselves and are fully motivated to learn.

。?If employees are made to think about the reason they need to learn and how they may take advantage of the knowledge that they have gained, they may arrive at a profound understanding of their work.

。?The purpose of motivating employees is to make them fully understand how they may meaningfully apply the knowledge which they have gained to their actual work so that they may develop themselves even further.


It is important that OJT follows these principles and guides employees to further their self-development. Once employees are motivated to develop themselves, they usually become more earnest to build their own abilities without the direct involvement of their supervisor. Concurrently with this process, supervisors themselves must try to develop their own abilities, so that they may provide good examples of self-development to their staff.





