日本財団 図書館

Anyone who answers yes to the majority of these questions is seriously in danger of committing sexual harassment.


1 People who think that females should serve coffee to guests tend to believe that particular roles are gender related. Stereotypes like this often allocate the most trivial or menial jobs to females. An extreme example of this is where certain types of men actually believe that women are nothing more than sexual objects designed for the pleasure of men.


2 People who think that females are physically less competent than men tend to imagine that women are fragile. Certain types of men believe that ladies must be protected. Others imagine that women should obey men. Some are so ridiculous that they actually believe that women will put up no form of resistance to the sexual advances of men.


3 People who desire to pursue personal interests or pleasure at the office have little sense of the office as a workplace. They might even attempt to pursue sexual gratification at the office.


4 Anyone who believes that everyone appreciates being complemented or treated to a free meal is seriously misguided. It is not the deed itself but with whom and under what circumstances that people find pleasure or displeasure in this. Such a thoughtless attitude may lead people to believe that they are doing something nice for a person when indeed they are not.


5 People with a desire for power basically want to gain control over others. Sexual harassment is a manifestation of sexual conquest over the opposite gender.


6 People can suppress their sexual desires by exerting a little bit of self-control. Sexual harassment may occur if self-control evaporates as it might do, for example, under the influence of alcohol.


7 People with a mother complex/ a father complex desire to be accepted by people of opposite sex without reservation as their mother/father once did. These individuals are rather immature and usually behave in a childish manner in front of people of opposite sex. This can sometimes lead to displays of sexual behavior.


8 People lacking in self-confidence often desire to be recognized by others. When they are praised or complimented by a person of the opposite sex, no matter how trivial the comment, they might stalk that person in pursuit of further gratification and may even believe that this person has a special interest in them.


9 People with too high a sense of pride have a tendency to look down upon others in order to justify themselves. When they are rejected by a person of the opposite sex, they are likely to turn spiteful or escalate their demands without stepping back to analyze this irrational behavior.


10 People working under a lot of stress sooner or later explode. In most cases, the immediate victims are the people whom they believe to be the weakest entities to hand. These are usually people of opposite sex.





