日本財団 図書館

Sheet 7




Recently, there have been enormous changes in the circumstances surrounding the public service. What effect have these social and economic changes had on public administration ?


1 Higher Education


Most government employees have received some form of further education prior to appointment. In a society where further education is the realm of the privileged few, an academic degree commands respect. In a situation such as this, where employees are creamed from the top universities, governments can enjoy an unusually high level of public confidence. As more and more people graduate from colleges of higher education these days, this form of unconditional confidence in the government authorities has long since disappeared.


2 Advanced Economy


When economic development was the primary national concern, small incidents of government corruption were more readily tolerated than at present, if these activities were seen to be in the interests of national development. As the economy matured, however, pubic expectations of the government changed such as in the case where environmental issues have become a prime concern. In times of change, public scrutiny and criticism of government actions tend to increase.


3 Civil Rights


With the demand for more extensive civil rights, the role that the general public plays in government affairs has shifted from that of subject to central player. An example of this is the growth in social movements where individuals group together to concert their demands for change.


4 Internationalization


In the wake of internationalization, government affairs which were once considered domestic matters are presently the subject of international debate. These procedures and standards are openly discussed in an international setting so that they might be compared with the practices of other nations.


5 Information Age


The information age has increased not only people's knowledge but their desire to know more. People check up to confirm whether or not government programs are appropriate. They demand more information disclosure and explanations as to how decisions are reached. In response to this, the government is expected to take public opinion into account and more actively promote public confidence.





