1.2 Prevalence survey among barangay inhabitants who haven't received examination for schistosome infection
A small amount of blood sample was taken from barangay inhabitants who haven't received any examination for schistosomiasis, through fnger prick and collected on a filter paper for COP, ELISA and other immunodiagnoses. The number of samples collected totaled up to 321, i.e., 139 in Malabo, 109 in San Pedro and 73 in San Narciso, The samples will be subjected to immunodiagnostic tests in the laboratory of Dokkyo University School of Medicine.
1.3 Seroepidemiological survey
The results of ELISA with 427 blood specimens taken in August 1997 from school children of the grades 1 to 3 in the three barangays are shown in Table 1. It will be seen that IgG positive rates are of special value as a rapid monitering method of the prevalence of schistosome infection in man in a given area.
As a continuance of annual incidence surveys in the west shore of the Lake Naujan, blood and stool samples were taken from the same group of school children of the grades 2 to 4 in the three barangays in the present survey. The numbers of blood and stool samples collected totaled up to 162 and 96, respectively, i.e., 37 and 29 in Malabo, 64 and 36 in San Pedro and 61 and 31 in San Narciso, respectively. These samples will be subjected to diagnostic examinations in the laboratory of Dokkyo University of School of Medicine.
1.4 Prevalence surveys in domestic and wild animals
Fecal specimens collected from 241 school children, 447 dogs and 219 carabaos in August 1997 were examined in our laboratory, and the results obtained and those reported on field rats last year are shown in Table 2. The data indicate that humans, dogs and field rats have relatively higher prevalence in Malado than in San Pedro and San Narciso.