11 August 1998
Dr.Bonefico Ducusin
Director III
Schistosomiasis Control Service
Department of Health
San Lazaro Compound
Sta. Cruz, Metro Manila
Dear Dr. Ducusin,
Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation dispatched Prof.Hajime Matsuda and Dr. Jun Matsumoto For the period 20 July to 13 August, and Prof. Kazuo Yasuraoka for 23 July to 13 August to the Philippines to collaborate with the DOH and regional and provincial staff involved in schistosomiasis control of Provinces of Bohol and Oriental Mindoro. Prof. H. Matsuda visited Schistosomiasis Research and Training Division, Palo, Leyte. As well to make arrangements with Dr. G. Portillo and Dra. L. Portillo for the ICOPA IX to be held in Chiba, Japan in late August. Dr. Yuichi Chigusa was sent by Japan Society of Promotion of Science for the period 20 July to 8 August.
The major instruments provided from the Foundation for the Oriental Mindoro SCT
(1) One unit of television set(National Panasonic TV, model: TC-21 P4)
(2) One unit of video-tape recorder(Samsung VHS-model: SV-A10P)
(3) One Unit of mowing machine(Kawasaki JH-40 F-5).
1. Oriental Mindoro
1.1 Ultasonographic(US)studies
ln July-August 1997 and February-March 1998, US examination was performed on 399cases in four barangays, Poblacion III, San Narciso, San Pedro, and Malabo. In the present survey, US examination was done on 140 cases, i. e., 12 in Poblacion III,28 in San Narciso, 32 in San Pedro, 55 in Malabo and 13 in others. We aim at(1)analyzing the changes of US images in each case in the past one year,(2)examining changes of US images after praziquantel treatment, and(3)comparing changes of US images before and after reinfection.