日本財団 図書館

3.2 Costs.


Membership of the ISCA incurs no direct financial cost to member organisations.


3.3 Founding Members.


Founding Members of the Association are the following Sea Cadet organisations:


Royal Sea Cadet Corps Belgium


Bermuda Sea Cadet Corps


Navy League of Canada


Deutsche Marine Jugend e.V. (Sea Cadet Corps of Germany)


Junior Sea Friends' Federation of Japan


Zeekadetkorps Nederland (Sea Cadet Corps of the Netherlands)


Naval Cadet Corps of South Africa


Sjovarnskarernas Riksforbund (Swedish Sea Cadet Corps Association)


Sea Cadet Corps of the United Kingdom


United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps.


3.4 New Members.


Following application to the Chairman, additional members may be granted membership by the Conference, but a two‐thirds majority vote of Conference attendees

is required for acceptance.


3.5 Language.


The official language of the ISCA is English, which shall be used in all correspondence and at the Conference.


3.6 Independence.


Within the framework of the ISCA, member organisations may conduct bi-lateral or multi-lateral business, without reference to the ISCA, but should make all members aware of activity which may be of general interest.






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