日本財団 図書館

3.7 Termination of Membership.


a. Voluntary.


Members of the ISCA may terminate their membership at any time at three months, notice to the Chairman.


b. Exclusion.


The ISCA may exclude a member organisation for reasons related to actions committed by or opinions expressed by the concerned organisation that do not conform with the concepts of the 1SCA laid down in these Articles. Decisions to exclude shall be made by a two-thirds majority of Conference attendees and after the concerned organisation has been given a reasonable opportunity to explain and/or correct such non-conformity.




4.1 General.


The ISCA will hold a Conference of member organisations normally annually or as decided by majority vote from year to year by the Conference.


4.2 Host Organisation.


The host organisation for two Conferences hence is elected by majority vote of attending members at each Conference. The date for the next Conference is also agreed at each Conference, by majority vote if necessary. (The Chairman has an additional casting vote if required).


4.3 Attendance.


a. Member organisations have the right to be represented at the Conference, but failure to attend does not preclude membership.


b. At the formal parts of the Conference, the number of representatives in each delegation is limited to three.

c. Small organisations closely affiliated to a major Sea Cadet Corps in another country may be represented by the parent Corps.


4.4 Votes.


Each member organisation has one vote only.






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