日本財団 図書館

・ Each Cadet must carry his own luggage, so be able to carry it with reasonable comfort.



Countries must guard against letting the value of gifts get out of hand. There are great financial disparities between member countries and embarrassing a host or visitor could jeopardise future exchanges between the Countries involved if one was to give expensive gifts. Gifts are meant to show appreciation and it should be the "thought" that counts and not the value of the gift.

Gifts should be limited to Corps/Unit Badges, these can always be hung in the Hosting Base; unique and inexpensive small gifts from the Host or Visiting Countries. Each Country has some or other unique item which can be exchanged.

Cadets should obtain pins, togbag patches, decals etc from their own Corps or Country which can be "swapped" with other cadets.

Tourism books, if obtained Free of Charge from the Ministry of Tourism etc, make ideal gifts.



1. Member countries that host foreign Sea Cadets are RESPONSIBLE for providing liability and accident insurance cover to protect their own interests.

2. Countries who send Sea Cadets abroad are RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that the appropriate arrangements are made to provide their Sea Cadets with accident and medical insurance as well as liability insurance sufficient to protect the "sending country" from damage their Sea Cadets may be held responsible for.

3. Participating countries should exchange relevant programme insurance information PRIOR to the exchange commencing so that there is no miss-understanding as to what is covered and what is not.

4. In most countries, if travel tickets are purchased by Credit Card, the traveller is automatically covered by Euro-assistance or similar assistance plans. It is imperative that countries who are sending Sea Cadets abroad RESEARCH what sort of Medical aid and insurance can be acquired in their country, how it is obtained and what the cover is.




・ Sea Cadets travelling abroad should have a contingency fund available should they require extra funds urgently.

・ The Escort Officer should be fully briefed as to any restrictions for the use of contingency funds.

・ This funds will normally be used to provide food, transport and shelter in the event that these are not provided or are unavailable.



・ This may be required to provide for an occasional meal or entrance fess.

・ Will be used to purchase souvenirs.

・ The amount to be budgeted daily will be determined by many factors, and the Hosting country MUST give some indication of costs in that country. For example what the price of a 350 ml can of coca coal is, what the cost of a hamburger is, what the cost of a mixed grill is, etc. This will enable the Visiting country to determine how much their Sea Cadets require. It will not serve any purpose to say that a Cadet will require, for example, $30 per day, in some countries that would amount to a value in the local currency vastly in excess of what it should be.

・ Travellers Cheques SHOULD be purchased in the currency of the Country being visited.




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