日本財団 図書館

・ Review and if necessary make copies of his National Headquarters correspondence file established between the exchanging countries.

・ Review the Memorandum of Understanding between the two exchanging countries and any military orders pertaining to policy and procedure, where these exist.

・ Receive any contingency allowances, military pay etc.

・ Read End of Exchange reports filed by Escort Officers from previous years.

・ Contact former Escort Officers for background information.

・ Receive the delegation of his duties and responsibilities as the Escort Officer for the exchange.[Annexure 4]

・ Research cultural differences, traditions and customs of the country being visited.


It is essential that the contingent be briefed a day or so prior to their departure. This briefing should preferably be conducted by a member of the Headquarters Staff. However if this is not practical, the Headquarters should delegate a suitable officer to carry out this briefing. In order for the latter to be effective, the delegated officer MUST be provided with all the relevant information.




Based on the programme diversity of the various members countries, it is ESSENTIAL that Hosting countries fully advise the visiting countries of specific legal and Organisational restrictions. This advice MUST include:

1. Maximum and Minimum age limitations.

2. Use of firearms

3. Medical restrictions (conditions, medications etc)

4. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco products and chewing gum.




Kit requirements will vary from one exchange to another. It is therefore ESSENTIAL for the Host country to advise participants timeously of any special or unusual kit requirements.

A suggested Kit List will be found in ANNEXURE 4.

Should the Host country recognise the need for some of the listed items to be discarded, it must advise the visiting countries.

The following items must be REGARDED as prohibited items on ALL exchanges:

・ Pets

・ Knives with a straight blade LONGER than 3 inches.*

・ Non-prescription medication other than for personal hygiene.

・ Illegal drugs and Narcotics [offenders could receive gaol sentences for ignoring this warning]

・ Alcohol

・ Weapons of any description.

・ Pornographic material

・ Portable stereos


*All Sea cadets should be encouraged to use folding blade knives of the "working" variety like a knife with a Marlin Spike-but military or hunting or flick knives will not be permitted.




・ The use of "hard" luggage is discouraged - in many cases storage space will be at a premium as on board ship.

・ Make use of "soft" luggage such as soft suitcases, garment bags, military type kit bags, tog and flight bags. DO take a Back-Pack (Day Pack)

・ Check the luggage weight restrictions of the airlines which will be used when buying the tickets.

・ Do not use Expensive type luggage.

・ Make sure that names are clearly mark ON THE LUGGAGE, as label tags can be tom off.




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