日本財団 図書館

・ Ensure that Foreign Exchange and Credit Cards are AUTHORISED in the visiting Sea Cadet's passport.

・ Escort Officers should be ENTRUSTED with any surplus travellers cheques which the Cadets may feel will be insecure in their lodgings.

・ Escort Officer MUST ensure that none of their Sea Cadets run out of funds. They must ensure that their Sea Cadets practice good financial discipline.



1. Escort Officers

・ Escort Officers selected should be the BEST available

・ Escort Officers should have a PROVEN track record in respect of leadership.

・ Escort Officers and Sea Cadets must be MADE AWARE that an exchange is not a holiday.

・ Escort Officers assume duty from the time of BOARDING TRANSPORT in their home country to the time they DISEMBARK FROM TRANSPORT back in their own countries.

・ Escort Officers are RESPONSIBLE at all times for the conduct and well being of their Sea Cadets.

・ Escort Officers are to MAINTAIN discipline amongst their Sea Cadets at all times. Well disciplined Sea Cadets will bring positive reaction from the Host, poor or bad discipline may DISQUALIFY the Visiting country from future exchanges.

・ The recommended MINIMUM age for Sea Cadets to participate in exchanges is 15 years of age.

・ Escort Officers must have in their POSSESSION a copy of the Host Countries PROFORMA and the necessary INDEMNITY documents duly completed by the Sea Cadet's parents.


2. The Cadets-A Briefing.

・ You are representing you Country. Your behaviour must be exemplary.

・ You will obey all the legal orders given you by the Officer in Charge of the Exchange. You will adhere to the Code of Conduct of your organisation as well as that of the Hosts.

・ Should you be guilty of gross misconduct, you may be sent home at your expense.

・ Cadets may not smoke whilst in uniform. Smoking in general is discouraged and may even be an offence in the country you are visiting.

・ Chewing Chewing Gum and dropping it or rubbish on the street could get you into trouble as well, so be warned.

・ You may not abuse your host country's way of life in any manner whatsoever.


3 Phone Calls:

Phone calls home MAY ONLY be made with the permission of the Escort Officer or Officer-in-Charge of the Exchange.


4 Alcohol/Tobacco Consumption

■ The laws of the Host Country in respect of these two commodities, must be OBEYED.

■ NO Cadet should be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. The consequences of a "drunk" cadet could be severely embarrassing for the visiting country. The consequences of the tamishing of the image of the Corps and ISCA could be severe.

■ NO cadet should be allowed to smoke while in uniform.

■ Escort Officer MUST establish what the laws are in the Host country and see That they are adhered to.




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